Are you concerned about job security or income growth? Do you wish you could invest and save more for your retirement but you don't earn enough money to put away what you'd like to save?
Many people are not prepared for retirement. In fact, Nearly 7 in 10 Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. I was shocked to discover how many people can't save even for an emergency. If you ever get in a car accident or run into some kind of financial crisis, your life could be very difficult. Many people call it living by “faith;” I call it living on the edge. So what's the best way to start building that nest egg for the future?
Investment expert Robert Kiyosaki recommends starting your own business.
The last few years may have been a decade of tremendous corporate profits and economic growth, but for the vast majority of North Americans, their income growth has been a dismal, uphill climb.
And many economists believe that with the new economy, things won't be getting much better any time soon. This results in more people working more hours than ever before and, on many occasions, working more than one job.
It is now almost impossible to have only one job in the family and make ends meet!
Today, many households need three incomes just to survive. Sadly, even having more than one job may not produce any major positive effect on most people's bank accounts.
You've probably heard that E-commerce is exploding. In fact, spending online continues to rise as each year passes and online businesses are continuing to see explosive growth.
Chinese billionaire Jack Ma thinks 80 percent of business will be done online in the near future. He even goes on to say that the power of the giant company is on the decline as more small businesses get exposure with the internet. With your own online business you could have a part in this incredible potential.
Why Start Online?
Why an online business?
Three reasons:
1. It’s affordable.
2. It’s simple.
3. It’s profitable.
Starting your own business part-time has many benefits but most businesses can have a steep learning curve and require large investments
What’s the Market?
The market is rapidly expanding Health and Wellness Market.
This is a non-stop consumable market that addresses people’s concerns about how they look, how they feel, and how long they’re going to live! Last year alone this was over a 200 Billion Dollar market in North America!
What's in it for You?
One of the best things about having your own business is that you are your own boss!
- You can decide how to live your life.
- You can be earning an extra $1000 - $3000+ per month working part time.
- You can get tax cuts that could save you several thousand $$ your first year.
- Expense paid trips to exotic locations like: Bora bora, Bahamas, Caribbean cruises.
- Dream rewards car program.
How would it feel to select a vehicle of your choice and have some or all of the payments handled for you?
Who is the supplier?
Every business needs a great supplier. I have connected with a 65+ year old nutritional research company called the Shaklee Corporation. They're a leader in the development of green, household, health and wellness Products.
One thing that gives Shaklee such credibility is the amount of research they do on their products. They conduct over 100,000 quality tests a year and screen for over 350 contaminants, pesticides and impurities on every botanical ingredient.
The Products
Here are Shaklee's core product lines:
• Nutritional and Anti-aging products
• Baby & kids care products
• Green toxin-free household Cleaners
• Water Purification
• Personal care
• Skin care
• Weight Management Products
• Sports Nutrition Products
Shaklee's nutritional products are also proven by science.
They conducted the first study of long-term users of multiple supplements in collaboration with the University of California at Berkeley.
No other nutritional supplement company has done a study of this type.
With these products you'll have:
• A Large Growing Market to Supply
• High Quality
• Repeat Use
• Results that are Guaranteed
This type of home business can offer you:
- Time and financial freedom
- Incredible tax benefits
- Security and advancement
- Everyone gets an equal opportunity to earn in advance!
- Online training and support
If you want to truly succeed in your online business, book a 15-minute free consultation with me. Click here
Thanks for reading,
Renee VanHeel
Call or text: 858-472-7295